Before you can download the symbol you need to read and agree to the Terms and conditions of use and then request that we create your unique symbol. To submit your request:

  • step 1 icon

    visit My Profile

  • Step 2 icon

    enter your Username and Password to sign in

  • Step 3 icon

    select Registered symbol from the left-hand menu

  • Step 4 icon

    read and agree to the terms and conditions of use, enter your full name and submit your request

If you are an authorised representative of an associated registered tax practitioner and you want to download their symbol, you will need to select Logout and then repeat steps 1-4 above with the username and password of the associated registered tax practitioner.

Downloading the symbol

After you submit your request, you will be taken to a web page to download your symbol. To download and save your image files:

number 1 icon

click on the hyperlink provided to download your symbol - a zip file folder containing several variations of your symbol images will be downloaded to your computer

number 2 icon

right click on the zip folder and select Save as ...

number 3 icon

navigate to the location you want to save the files

number 4 icon

select Save


Your unique symbol will be saved to the specified location with a filename commencing with your registration number.

If you need to download the files again, simply click on the Download button and follow the steps above to save your image files.

Using the symbol

The symbol is available in SVG, JPG and PNG file formats.

You should use the:

  • SVG format of the symbol for printed material, stationery, printed advertisements, brochures and billboards

  • JPG and PNG file formats for web use and in Word documents.

Please note: When you display your symbol you must include your registration number and type of registration.

For more information on how to use your symbol, refer to Registered tax practitioner symbol guidelines.

Further information

For more information refer to:

Last modified: 1 January 2022