Tax Agent

Issued: 19 July 2023

Last modified: 19 July 2023

Date of decision: 27 April 2023

After completing an investigation, the Board Conduct Committee (BCC) found a tax agent had engaged in multiple serious breaches of the Code of Professional Conduct (Code) and ceased to meet the ongoing registration requirement to maintain professional indemnity (PI) insurance.

The BCC found that the tax agent breached:

  • Code item 2 – you must comply with the taxation laws in the conduct of your personal affairs

  • Code item 13 – you must maintain PI insurance that meets the Board’s requirements

  • Code item 14 – you must respond to requests and directions from the Board in a timely, responsible and reasonable manner.

The tax agent failed to:

  • comply with taxations laws by neglecting to pay or enter into a payment arrangement to pay personal tax debts accumulating to over $250,000

  • maintain PI insurance that meets the Board's requirements

  • respond to requests from the Board during its enquiries and investigation.

Based on these findings the BCC terminated the tax agent’s registration and prohibited them from applying for registration for 12 months.