
Issued: 13 February 2024

Last modified: 16 February 2024

In this webinar, our Chief Technology Officer takes us through the basics of cyber security. You’ll learn more about why cyber security matters, what motivates cyber criminals, your relevant Code of Professional Conduct obligations, the types of cyber threats and tips to keep you safe, including the Essential Eight.


Webinar recording

Cyber security - back to basics webinar recording

Cyber security – Questions and answers 

We have compiled some of the questions we received during our webinar.

Free anti-virus solutions can protect against known viruses, however there may be cases 
where you require extra security and features that a free, built-in antivirus does not provide. 
When deciding if you require a paid or third-party antivirus, consider your security needs, 
situation and budget. It’s also important to know, that a company may fund their free antivirus 
product by displaying ads, or by collecting and selling your data to other businesses. 

Remember, antivirus does not protect against all threats. It is most effective when paired with 
good security habits and practices.