Complaints and breach reports

We welcome all complaints and information about misconduct, unethical behaviour or practices, and breaches by registered tax practitioners. We also encourage you to report to us if you see anyone providing tax agent or BAS services illegally without being registered with us.


Click on the button below if you want to report a complaint about:

  • a registered tax practitioner relating to tax agent or BAS services they provided
  • someone advertising or providing tax agent services for a fee that is not registered with us.

Click on the button below if you believe you may be an eligible whistleblower and want to report misconduct by a tax practitioner where you believe the information may assist us to perform our functions or duties under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009.

Click on the button below if you are a registered tax practitioner and are notifying us because you or another tax practitioner has breached the Code of Professional Conduct.